James Liston's Pine Nuts

#1 source for Nevada Soft Shell Pine nuts

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 These roasting instructions are for whole in shell Nevada type pine nuts and the Hard Shell Pinon Pine Nuts.

 Roasting Instructions

Step 1. Place nuts evenly on a foil covered pan.
Step 2. Preheat oven to 350º F
Step 3. Cook pine nuts in oven for ten minutes at 350º F.
Step 4. Remove pan and let it cool.
Step 5. Enjoy eating the pine nuts.

Step 1. Place 1/4 cups of nuts into a paper bag.
Step 2. Fold top of bag to close the end with the end.
Step 3. Cook one minute on High.
Step 4. Remove pan and let it cool.
Step 5. Enjoy eating the pine nuts.


These instructions are only given as a helpful guide to roasting your pine nuts. We have tried these instructions ourselves and they do work.  We are not responsible for any problems you may encounter by using these methods.  You are also welcome to search the internet for other roasting instructions.